1801. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 刑 建 子 寸 イ 戒 身 土 木 系


刑  KEI - penalty, punishment, sentence

建  KEN, KON, ta(teru), ta(tsu)  - build, be built

子  SHI, SU, ko - child

寸  SUN - unit of length

イ  Katakana "I" or The "Ninben" radical - person

戒  KAI, imashi(meru) - admonish, warn

身  SHIN, mi - body

土  DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

木  MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree

系  KEI - system, lineage, group

Pair them like this: 刑+土 子+系 イ+建 身+寸 木+戒

型  KEI, kata - model, form

孫  SON, mago - grandchild

健  KEN, suko(yaka) - healthy

射  SHA, i(ru) - shoot

械  KAI - machine