1775. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 駐 -> _ -> _ -> 放 b) 弦 -> _ -> _ -> 胎


a) 駐 -> 素 -> 紡 -> 放

駐  CHUU - stop, reside

素  SO, SU - element, naked, simple

紡  BOU, tsumu(gu) - spin, make yarn

放  HOU, hana(reru), hana(tsu), hana(su) - to let loose, release, emit

b) 弦 -> 畜 -> 胃 -> 胎

弦  GEN, tsuru - string, bowstring

畜  CHIKU - animal raising, domestic animal

胃  I - stomach

胎  TAI - womb, uterus