戸 KO, to - door
北 HOKU, kita - north
コ+コ+L Katakana "Ko" / Alphabet "L" or 乚 IN, kaku(reru) - hide
シ+コ+コ+L Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water / Katakana "Ko" / Alphabet "L" or 乚 IN, kaku(reru) - hide
田 DEN, ta - paddy field
Add 月 (GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - Moon,Month) to make them a little more celestial. - As a side note, the 月 in some characters is not the moon.. Meat (肉 niku) is used in a lot of kanji and is often abbreviated as 月.
肩 KEN, kata - shoulder
背 HAI, se, somu(ku), somu(keru) - back, height, act contrary to, avert
骨 KOTSU, hone - bone
滑 KATSU, sube(ru), name(raka) - slip, smooth,slide, glide
胃 I - stomach