く+く+ノ+良+3 Hiragana "Ku" / Hiragana "No" / RYOU, yo(i) - good / Number "3"
口+ノ+、 KOU, kuchi - mouth / Hiragana "No" / Comma
角+口+ノ+、 KAKU, kado, tsuno - corner, angle, horn / KOU, kuchi - mouth / Hiragana "No" / Comma
竹+一+|+フ+八 CHIKU, take - bamboo / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / Katakana "Hu" / Katakana "Ha" or HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight
ネ+一+、+月 Katakana "Ne" or The "Shimesuhen" radical - altar, festival, religious service / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma / GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month
Add | , a straight line, to make them something different!
郷 KYOU, GOU - village, native place, rural area
虫 CHUU, mushi - bug, insect
触 SHOKU, sawa(ru), fu(reru) - touch
策 SAKU - plan, means, policy, measure
補 HO, ogina(u) - supply, compensate