1721. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 池 翁 祝 巨 常 微 孫 島 喪 極


They should end up like this. 島+池 極+常 翁+孫 微+巨 祝+喪

島  TOU, shima - island

池  CHI, JI, ike - pond

極  KYOKU, GOKU, kiwa(meru) - end, limit, extreme

常  JOU, tsune, toko - normal, usual, constant

翁  OU - old man

孫  SON, mago - grandchild

微  BI - minute, slight

巨  KYO - large, gigantic

祝  SHUKU, iwa(u) - celebration, congratulate

喪  SOU, mo - mourning