⺓+勺 The "Itogashira" radical - young, slight / SHAKU - unit of volume
ト+、+八+ン+二 Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle / Comma / Katakana "Ha" or HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight / Katakana "N" or The "Nisui" radical - ice / NI, futa(tsu), futa - two
言+一+T GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Alphabet "T"
木+十+田 MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree / JUU, tou, to - ten / DEN, ta - paddy field
T+人+量 Alphabet "T" / JIN, NIN, hito - person / RYOU, haka(ru) - quantity, measure, weigh
Add 小 (SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small) for a big change!
約 YAKU - approximately, promise
祭 SAI, matsu(ru), matsu(ri) - deify, worship, festival
評 HYOU - criticism, comment
棟 TOU, mune, muna - ridge of a roof
糧 RYOU, ROU, kate - food, provisions