1633. What will happen to these characters? Is it a cliffhanger ending? 、+I+I+口+マ+心+夂 月+I+F 火 延 米+、+士


、+I+I+口+マ+心+夂  Comma / Alphabet "I" / KOU, kuchi - mouth / Katakana "Ma" / SHIN, kokoro - heart / The "Nomata" radical - to follow

月+I+F  GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month / Alphabet "I" / Alphabet "F"

火  KA, hi - fire

延  EN, noba(su), no(biru), no(beru) - lengthen, prolong, postpone

米+、+士  BEI, MAI, kome - rice / Comma / SHI - samurai, man, scholar

Add ⼚ (The Gandare radical - cliff), and pull them back from the edge!

慶  KEI - rejoice, be happy, congratulate

脈  MYAKU - pulse, vein, blood vessel

灰  KAI, hai - ash

庭  TEI, niwa - garden

粧  SHOU - adorn (self)