1608. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 字 弱 禁 背 到 絵 胸 発 豪 許


They should end up like this. 字+絵 禁+許 到+発 胸+背 豪+弱

字  JI, aza - letter, village

絵  KAI, E - picture 

禁  KIN - prohibition

許  KYO, yuru(su) - permit, allow

到  TOU - arrive, reach

発  HATSU, HOTSU - start, depart

胸  KYOU, mune - breast, chest

背  HAI, se, somu(ku), somu(keru) - back, height, act contrary to, avert

豪  GOU - strength, power, splendour

弱  JAKU, yowa(i), yowa(maru) - weak, make weak