1601. Can't see the wood for the trees? That could be the problem here! イ+口 戒 幾 口 夂


イ+口  Katakana "I" or The "Ninben" radical - person / KOU, kuchi - mouth

戒  KAI, imashi(meru) - admonish, warn

幾  KI, iku - how much, how many, some

口  KOU, kuchi - mouth

夂  The "Nomata" radical - to follow

Adding a tree (木 MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree) to these characters lets them branch out in a new direction!

保  HO, BU, tamo(tsu) - keep, preserve, maintain

械  KAI - machine

機  KI, hata - opportunity, loom, machine

困  KON, koma(ru) - be distressed, trouble

条  JOU - article, clause, line, stripe