1582. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 学 行 合 止 健 教 従 離 督 病


They should end up like this. 学+教 止+行 健+病 離+合 督+従

学  GAKU, mana(bu) - learn, study

教  KYOU, oshi(eru), osa(waru) - teach, learn

止  SHI, to(meru), to(maru) - stop

行  GYOU, KO, i(ku) - go, line, act

健  KEN, suko(yaka) - healthy

病  BYOU, HEI, ya(mu), yamai - sick, illness, suffer from

離  RI, hana(reru), hana(su) - separate, leave, keep apart

合  GOU, GA, a(u) - meet

督  TOKU - lead, command, supervise

従  JUU, JU, SHOU, shitaga(u), shitaga(eru) - obey, comply, follow, conquer