1376. What would happen if these characters got wet? 炎 冓 中 容 共


炎  EN, honou - flame

冓  KOU, kama(eru), ku(mu) - build, assemble

中  CHUU, naka - middle, medium

容  YOU - form, appearance, content

共  KYOU, tomo - together, both, all

Add the "water" radical (氵sanzui) to see what happens!

淡  TAN, awa(i) - light, feint, pale, transitory

溝  KOU, mizo - ditch, gutter, groove

沖  CHUU, oki - open sea

溶  YOU, to(keru), to(ku), to(kasu) - melt, dissolve

洪  KOU - flood, inundation, vast