1556. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 吉 好 表 壊 奥 建 寂 凶 賑 嫌


They should end up like this. 好+嫌 奥+表 建+壊 凶+吉 寂+賑

好  KOU, kono(mu), su(ku) - like

嫌  KEN, GEN, kira(u) - dislike, hate

奥  OU, oku(ru) - interior

表  HYOU, omote, arawa(reru) - table, front, express

建  KEN, KON, ta(teru), ta(tsu)  - build, be built

壊  KAI, kowa(reru), kowa(su) - get broken, break, destroy

凶  KYOU - evil, misfortune

吉  KICHI, KITSU, yoshi - good luck

寂  JAKU, SEKI, sabi, sabi(shii) - lonely, declining, simple purity

賑  SHIN, nigi(yaka), nigiwa(u) - lively, noisy