土+⼇ DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / The "Nabefuta" radical - lid, top
⻖+土+ル The "Kozatohen" radical - hill, mound / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil /
西+一+口 SAE, SEI, nishi - west / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / KOU, kuchi - mouth
⻂+ト+日 The "Koromohen" radical - clothing / Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle / NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day
⺾+シ+口 The "Kusakanmuri" radical - grass / Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water / KOU, kuchi - mouth
Add ⼡ (The "Nomata" radical - to follow) and lead them away!
麦 BAKU, mugi - wheat, barley, rye, oats
陵 RYOU, misasagi - Imperial tomb, mausoleum
酪 RAKU - whey
複 FUKU - double, multiple, again
落 RAKU, o(chiru), o(tosu) - fall, drop, lose