1532. If the UK came back to these characters, what would change? 古+一+、 用 門+、+口 一+、+リ+衣 目+⺤+⼍+、+工+|


古+一+、  KO, furu(i) - old / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma

用  YOU, mochi(iru) - use, business

門+、+口  MON, kado - gate / Comma / KOU, kuchi - mouth

一+、+リ+衣  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma / Katakana "Ri" or The "Rittou" radical - knife, sword / I, koromo - garment, clothing

目+⺤+⼍+、+工+|  MOKU, me - eye / The "Tsumekanmuri" radical - claw, nail / The "Wakanmuri" radical - cover, crown / Comma / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke

If UK comes backwards it is KU. Add ク (Katakana "Ku") to the characters to give different characters!

故  KO, yue - deceased, cause

角  KAKU, kado, tsuno - corner, angle, horn

閣  KAKU - tower, palace, the Cabinet

裂  RETSU, sa(keru), sa(ku) - split, tear, rip

瞬  SHUN, maba(taku) - blink, wink, twinkle