1494. If you can find what these characters have in common, give yourself a big hand! 舎 合 苗 疑 察


舎  SHA  - house, hut, quarters

合  GOU, GA, a(u) - meet

苗  BYOU, nae, nawa - seedling, sapling

疑  GI, utaga(u) - doubt, suspect, distrust

察  SATSU - surmise, judge, understand

Lend each a hand (⺘ / 手 SHU, te) to make a new character.

捨  SHA, su(teru) - throw away, abandon, forsake

拾  SHUU, JUU, hiro(u) - pick up, find, ten in documents

描  BYOU, ega(ku) - draw, paint, sketch, depict

擬  GI - imitate

擦  SATSU, su(reru), su(ru) - rub, chafe, become worn

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