1491. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 勅 -> _ -> _ -> 坊 b) 雷 -> _ -> _ -> 超


a) 勅 -> 加 -> 吐 -> 坊

勅  CHOKU - imperial decree

加  KA, kuwa(eru), kuwa(waru) - add, append, join, take part

吐  TOU, ha(ku) - spew, vomit, give vent to

坊  BOU, BO - priest's residence, priest, boy

b) 雷 -> 累 -> 紹 -> 超

雷  RAI, kaminari - thunder

累  RUI - involvement, trouble, accumulation

紹  SHOU - introduction

超  CHOU, ko(su), ko(eru) - cross, go over, exceed