1428. What would these five groups of characters look like after a month has passed? 彭 支 糸+口 止 力+力+力


彭  HOU、sakaki - Chinese surname

支  SHI, sasa(eru) - branch, support

糸+口  SHI, ito - thread / KOU, kuchi - mouth

止  SHI, to(meru), to(maru) - stop

力+力+力  RYOKU, RIKI, chikara - power

Add 月 (GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - Moon,Month)  to make them a little more celestial. - As a side note, the 月 in some characters is not the moon.. Meat (肉 niku) is used in a lot of kanji and is often abbreviated as 月. 

膨  BOU, fuku(reru), fuku(ramu) - swell, bulge, expand, sulk, pout

肢  SHI - limbs

絹  KEN, kinu - silk

肯  KOU - agree, consent

脅  KYOU, obiya(kasu), odo(kasu) - threaten