1417. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 無 喪 粗 夜 祝 昼 有 肯 淑 断


They should end up like this. 無+有 夜+昼 祝+喪 肯+断 淑+粗

無  MU, BU, na(i) - nothing, non

有  YUU, U, a(ru) - be, exist, have

夜  YA, yoru, yo - night

昼  CHUU, hiru - daytime, noon

祝  SHUKU, iwa(u) - celebration, congratulate

喪  SOU, mo - mourning

肯  KOU - agree, consent

断  DAN, kotowa(ru), ta(tsu)  - decision, decline, refuse, cut off

粗  SOU, ara(i) - coarse, rough

淑  SHUKU - graceful, polite, pure