1367. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 部 夕 朝 緩 吸 退 全 吹 燥 魅


They should end up like this. 部+全 朝+夕 退+魅 吹+吸 燥+緩

部  BU - part

全  ZEN, mattaku - all

朝  CHOU, asa - morning, dynasty

夕  SEKI, yuu - evening

退  TAI, shirizo(ku), shirizo(keru) - drive away, repel, retreat

魅  MI - charm, enchant, fascinate

吹  SUI, fu(ku) - blow

吸  KYUU, su(u) - suck, inhale, smoke

燥  SOU - dry

緩  KAN, yuru(mu), yuru(i), yuru(yaka) - loose, slacken, slow, gentle

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