1302. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. How can we make these characters mightier? ト+⼚+七+⾗ 一+ム+貝 市+八 糸+口 角+牛


ト+⼚+七+⾗  Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle / The "Gandare" radical - cliff / SHICHI, nana, nana(tsu) - seven / The "Inoko" radical - pig

一+ム+貝  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Katakana "Mu" or The "Mu" radical - private / KAI - shellfish

市+八  SHI, ichi - city, market / HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight

糸+口  SHI, ito - thread / KOU, kuchi - mouth

角+牛  KAKU, kado, tsuno - corner, angle, horn / GYUU, ushi - cow

Use your pen to add  a sword; 刀/リ (Tou, katana, the "Rittou" radical - sword)!

劇  GEKI - drama, play

貿  BOU - exchange, trade

刺  SHI, sa(su), sa(saru) - stick, stab, get stuck

紹  SHOU - introduction

解  KAI, GE, to(ku)(keru) - untie, solve, come loose