1300. If the UK came back to these characters, what would change? 足+、+口 ⽲+一+一+、 ⺾+一+、+ヒ+⼶ 月+西+一+一+、 キ+土+ノ+ノ


足+、+口  SOKU, ashi - leg / Comma , KOU, kuchi - mouth

⽲+一+一+、  The "Nogihen" radical - grain / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma

⺾+一+、+ヒ+⼶  The "Kusakanmuri" radical - grass / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma / Katakana "Hi" or The "Saji" radical - spoon / The "Nijuuashi" radical - folded hands

月+西+一+一+、  GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month / SAE, SEI, nishi - west / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma

キ+土+ノ+ノ  Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / Katakana "No" or The "No" radical - diagonal sweeping stroke

If UK comes backwards it is KU. Add ク (Katakana "Ku") to the characters to give different characters!

路  RO, ji - road,route

委  I - entrust

葬  SOU, hou(muru) - bury, inter

腰  YOU, koshi - pelvis, loins, hips, back

拷  GOU - beat, torture

恥  CHI, haji, ha(jiru), ha(jirau), ha(zukashii) - shame, disgrace, be shy