1283. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 中 挿 除 秋 抜 落 春 含 外 昇


They should end up like this. 中+外 秋+春 落+昇 含+除 挿+抜

中  CHUU, naka - middle, medium

外  GAI, GE, soto - outside, miss

秋  SHUU, aki - autumn

春  SHUN, haru - spring

落  RAKU, o(chiru), o(tosu) - fall, drop, lose

昇  SHOU, nobo(ru) - rise, be promoted

含  GAN, fuku(mu), fuku(meru) - hold, include, contain

除  JOU, JI, nozo(ku) - get rid of, exclude

挿  SOU, sa(su) - insert

抜  BATSU, nu(ku), nu(kasu), nu(keru) - pull out, remove, leave out, surpass