1239. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 運 園 持 卒 昭


運  UN, hako(bu) - fate, carry, transport

園  EN, sono - garden

持  JI, mo(tsu) - have, hold, possess

卒  SOTSU - soldier, private, end

昭  SHOU - bright, clear

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

連  REN, tsu(reru), tsura(naru) - group, stand in a row, link

圏  KEN - circle, range, sphere

待  TAI, ma(tsu) - wait

率  SOTSU, RITSU, hiki(iru) - lead, command, rate, proportion

明  MEI, MYOU, aka(rui), a(keru) - bright