1138. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 岳 -> _ -> _ -> 頗 b) 妄 -> _ -> _ -> 贈


a) 岳 -> 岩 -> 破 -> 頗

岳  GAKU, take - mountain peak

岩  GAN, iwa - rock

破  HA, yabu(ru), yabu(reru) - break, broken, tear, torn

頗  HA, suko(buru)

b) 妄 -> 如 -> 員 -> 贈

妄  MOU, BOU - without reason, without authority

如  JO, NYO - equal, like, as, as if

員  IN - member

贈  ZOU, SOU, oku(ru) - give, present, bestow