1120. If you can find what these characters have in common, give yourself a big hand! 舌 旦 包 巨 斤


舌  ZETSU, shita - tongue

旦  TAN, DAN, akira, tadashi, asa - morning 

包  HOU, tsutsu(mu) - wrap

巨  KYO - large, gigantic

斤  KIN - unit of weight, loaf

Lend each a hand (⺘ / 手 SHU, te) to make a new character.

括  KATSU - tie together, fasten

担  TAN, katsu(gu), nina(u) - carry, shoulder, choose, bear

抱  HOU, da(ku), ida(ku), kaka(eru) - hug, hold, embrace,employ

拒  KYO, koba(mu) - refuse, decline

折  SETSU, o(ru), o(reru), ori - break, fold, yield, bend, occasion