1094. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 休 近 攻 笑 麗 and 遠 泣 醜 衛 働


They should end up like this. 休+働 近+遠 攻+衛 笑+泣 麗+醜

休  KYUU, yasu(mu) - rest

働  DOU, hatara(ku) - work

近  KIN, chika(i) - close, near

遠  EN, ON, too(i) - far, distant

攻  KOU, se(meru) - attack

衛  EI - defend, protect

笑  SHOU, wara(u), e(mu) - laugh, smile 

泣  KYUU, KU, na(ku) - cry

麗  REI, uruwa(shii) - beautiful, pretty

醜  SHUU, miniku(i) - ugly