930. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. シ 人 竹 林 未 夜 即 止 示 女


シ  Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water

人  JIN, NIN, hito - person

竹  CHIKU, take - bamboo

林  RIN, hayashi - woods

未  MI - not yet

夜  YA, yoru, yo - night

即  SOKU - immediately, conform

止  SHI, to(meru), to(maru) - stop

示  JI, SHI, shi(mesu) - show

女  JO, NYO, NYOU, onna, me - female, woman

Pair them like this: 竹+即 女+未 シ+夜 人+止 林+示

節  SETSU, SECHI, fushi - season, verse, joint, melody

妹  MAI, imouto - younger sister

液  EKI - liquid, fluid

企  KI, kuwara(teru) - plan, undertake

禁  KIN - prohibition