727. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 火 開 率 涼 猛 暑 従 水 弱 閉


They should end up like this. 火+水 開+閉 率+従 涼+暑 猛+弱

火  KA, hi - fire

水  SUI, mizu  - water

開  KAI, hira(ku), a(ku) - open, develop

閉  HEI, shi(meru), to(jiru) - close

率  SOTSU, RITSU, hiki(iru) - lead, command, rate, proportion

従  JUU, JU, SHOU, shitaga(u), shitaga(eru) - obey, comply, follow, conquer

涼  RYOU, suzu(shii), suzu(mu) - cool, refreshing

暑  SHO, atsu(i) - hot (weather)

猛  MOU - strong, fierce

弱  JAKU, yowa(i), yowa(maru) - weak, make weak

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