724. A gentleman should never be seen without these characters. Why not? 竹+コ+十 ⽍+H+口+L 口+八+一+メ 竹+|+|+人+| え+H+キ


竹+コ+十  CHIKU, take - bamboo / Katakana "Ko" / JUU, tou, to - ten

⽍+H+口+L  The "Gatsu" radical - death & dying, to decompose / Alphabet "H" / KOU, kuchi - mouth / Alphabet "L"

口+八+一+メ  KOU, kuchi - mouth / HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Katakana "Me"

竹+|+|+人+|  CHIKU, take - bamboo / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / JIN, NIN, hito - person

え+H+キ  Hiragana "E"or The "Shinnyou" radical - road, walk, to advance / Alphabet "H" / Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand

Add 士 (SHI, samurai - man, scholar) to make them more gentlemanly!

筆  HITSU, fude - writing brush

殖  SHOKU, fu(eru), fu(yasu) - grow in number, increase

鼓  KO, tsuzumi - hand drum

策  SAKU - plan, means, policy, measure

連  REN, tsu(reru), tsura(naru) - group, stand in a row, link