711. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 慕 項 捨 滴 薄


慕  BO, shita(u) - yearn for, love dearly, idolise

項  KOU - item, clause, paragraph

捨  SHA, su(teru) - throw away, abandon, forsake

滴  TEKI, shizuku, shitata(ru) - drop, drip, trickle

薄  HAKU, usu(i), usu(ragu), usu(reru), usu(maru), usu(meru) - thin, weak, fade, dilute

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

幕  MAKU, BAKU - stage curtain, act, shogunate

頂  CHOU, itadaki, itada(ku) - top, peak, summit, receive

拾  SHUU, JUU, hiro(u) - pick up, find, ten in documents

摘  TEKI, tsu(mu)  - pick, pluck, nip

簿  BO - record book, ledger, register