658. These characters need to be a bit more positive. What do they need? ノ+二+| ⼍+介 竹+⼍+人 ノ+口+自+心 ⼴+上+|+一+心+⼡


ノ+二+|  Katakana "No" / Katakana "Ni" or NI, futa(tsu), futa - two / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke

⼍+介  The "Wakanmuri" radical - cover, crown / KAI - shellfish, be in between

竹+⼍+人  CHIKU, take - bamboo / The "Wakanmuri" radical - cover, crown / JIN, NIN, hito - person

ノ+口+自+心  Katakana "No" / KOU, kuchi - mouth / JI, SHI, mizuka(ra) - me, self / SHIN, kokoro - heart

⼴+上+|+一+心+⼡  The "Madare" radical - slanting roof / JOU, a(geru), ue, a(garu), nobo(ru) - up, above, rise / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / SHIN, kokoro - heart / The "Nomata" radical - to follow

Add 十 (JUU, tou, to - ten) to give them a "plus" attitude!

年  NEN, toshi - year

界  KAI - world

策  SAKU - plan, means, policy, measure

憩  KEI, iko(i), iko(u) - rest 

慶  KEI - rejoice, be happy, congratulate