564. How can you make these characters subject to your will? ト+品 又+貝 又+土 又+糸 ト+一+見


ト+品  Katakana "To" / HIN, shina - refined, goods, article

又+貝  mata - again, also, moreover / KAI - shellfish

又+土  mata - again, also, moreover / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

又+糸  mata - again, also, moreover / SHI, ito - thread

ト+一+見  Katakana "To" / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / KEN, mi(ru) - look, see

Add 臣 (SHIN, JIN - retainer, subject) and get them working for you!

臨  RIN, nozo(mu) - face, confront, attend, assist

賢  KEN, kashiko(i) - wise, intelligent

堅  KEN, kata(i) - firm, hard, solid

緊  KIN - hard, tight

覧  RAN - see