547. These characters all need a new direction. ト+イ+ヒ β ト+也 言 十+、+攵


ト+イ+ヒ  Katakana "To" / Katakana "I" or The "Hito" radical - person / Katakana "Hi"

⻖  The "Kozatohen" radical - hill, mound

ト+也  Katakana "To" / YA, nari -is

言  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

十+、+攵  JUU, tou, to - ten / Comma / The "Bokuzukuri" radical - activity, to strike, hit

Add 方 (HOU, kata - direction) to give us another way of looking at them

旅  RYO, tabi - travel

防  BOU, fuse(gu) - protect, prevent

施  SHI, SE, hodoko(su) - give, bestow, perform, conduct

訪  HOU, tazu(neru), otozu(reru) - visit

敷  FU, shi(ku) - spread, lay out, put down