イ+ト+旦+ノ+ノ Katakana "I"or The "Hito" radical - person / Katakana "To" / TAN, DAN, akira, tadashi, asa morning / Katakana "No"
十+十+口+夂 JUU, tou, to - ten / KOU, kuchi - mouth / The "Nomata" radical - to follow
十+十+巳 JUU, tou, to - ten / MI, sHI - Chinese Zodiac sign
日+ノ+ノ NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day / Katakana "No"
己 KO, KI, onore - self
Add 勹 (the "tsutsumigamae" radical, which means to wrap) to make them more presentable!
傷 SHOU, kizu, ita(mu) - injury, hurt, wound
敬 KEI, uyama(u) - respect, revere
苞 tsuto, hou - sprout, leaf
易 EKI, I , yasa(shii), ya(sui) - easy, divination
包 HOU, tsutsu(mu) - wrap