、+発 Comma / HATSU, HOTSU - start, depart
土+⼇+し DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / The "Nabefuta" radical - lid, top / Hiragana "Shi"
、+坐 Comma / ZA - sit
シ+圭 Katakana "Shi" / KEI, sayo, tama, yoshi, sayoshi - a jade tablet
替 TAI, ka(eru), ka(waru) - change, replace
Add ⼚ (The Gandare radical - cliff), and pull them back from the edge!
廃 HAI, suta(reru), suta(ru) - become outmoded
坑 KOU - pit, hole
座 ZA, suwa(ru) - sit, seat, theater, constellation
涯 GAI - shore, limit, end
暦 REKI, koyomi - history