⼻+⺓+ノ The "Gyouninben" radical - step, stride, street, to go / The "Itogashira" radical - young, slight / Katakana "No"
ノ+木 Katakana "No" / MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree
⼻+ト+日+ノ The "Gyouninben" radical - step, stride, street, to go / Katakana "To" / NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day / Katakana "No"
舟+⼏ SHUU, fune, funa - boat / The "Kinyou" radical - table
ヌ Katakana "Nu"
Add 又 (mata - again, also, moreover), and they can also become something else!
後 GO, ato, nochi - after
条 JOU - article, clause, line, stripe
復 FUKU - return, be restored
般 HAN - carry, all, general
双 SOU, futa - pair, both