口+一+、 KOU, kuchi - mouth / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma
ノ+|+ル Katakana "No" / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / Katakana "Ru"
石+ヲ+| SEKI, SHAKU, ishi - stone / Katakana "Wo" / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke
キ+ノ+ツ+山 Katakana "Ki" / Katakana "No" / Katakana "Tsu" / SAN, yama - mountain
ノ+| Katakana "No" / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke
Add 工 (KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work) and check out the results!
国 KOKU, kuni - country
先 SEN, saki - previous. before
研 KEN, to(gu) - whet, sharpen, polish
揺 YOU, yu(reru), yu(ragu), yu(suru), yu(saburu) - shake, sway, vibrate, rock
午 GO - noon