⼇ The "Nabefuta" radical - lid, top
⼚+十+木+止 The "Gandare" radical - cliff / JUU, tou, to - ten / MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree / SHI, to(meru), to(maru) - stop
⺓+|+者 The "Itogashira" radical - young, slight / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / SHA, mono - person
一+⾫+田 ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / The "Furutori" radical - small bird / DEN, ta - paddy field
⼫+テ+寸 The "Shikabane" radical - corpse, awning / Katakana "Te" / SUN - unit of length
Add 八 (HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight), which also looks like a Katakana "Ha".
六 ROKU, mu(ttsu), mu(tsu) - six
暦 REKI - contiuation, passing of time
緒 SHO, CHO, o(chiru) - beginning, cord, strap
奮 FUN, fur(u) - be enlivened, rouse up
尉 I - officer