364. A gentleman should never be seen without these characters. Why not? ノ+一+生 ⺾+シ+、+|+|+土+寸 言+口 ノ+H+口 ノ+巾+リ


ノ+一  Katakana "No" / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one 

⺾+シ+、+|+|+土+寸  The "Kusakanmuri" radical - grass / Katakana "Shi" / Comma / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / SUN - unit of length

言+口  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech / KOU, kuchi - mouth

ノ+H+口  Katakana "No" / Alphabet "H" / KOU, kuchi - mouth

ノ+巾+リ  Katakana "No" / The "Haba" radical - cloth / Katakana "Ri"

Add 士 (SHI, samurai - man, scholar) to makethem more gentlemanly!

生  SEI, nama - live, raw, alive

薄  HAKU, usu(i), usu(ragu), usu(reru), usu(maru), usu(meru) - thin, weak, fade, dilute

詰  KITSU, tsu(mu), tsu(meru), tsu(maru) - pack into, stuff, shorten

盾  JUN, tate - shield

制  SEI - system, regulations