354. These characters all need a little work. What will become of them? 火+H ノ+十 キ+十+、+⼌+| 言+ノ+ツ+山 ノ+|+十


火+H  KA, hi - fire / Alphabet "H"

ノ+十  Katakana "No" / JUU, tou, to - ten

キ+十+、+⼌+|  Katakana "Ki" / JUU, tou, to - ten / Comma / The "Keigamae" radical - to enclose / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke

言+ノ+ツ+山  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech / Katakana "No" / Katakana "Tsu" / SAN, yama - mountain

ノ+|+十  Katakana "No" / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / JUU, tou, to - ten

Add 工 (KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work) and check out the results!

畑  hatake - cultivated field

生  SEI, nama - live, raw, alive

捕  HO, to(ru), to(raeru), tsuka(maeru) - catch, grasp, be caught

謡  YOU, uta(u) - sing, song, Noh chant

年  NEN, toshi - year