298. These characters all need a little work. What will become of them? |+人+| ト+一+|+八+土 |+J+人+|+リ ト+⼚+七+H+月 ⻖+H+⼌+ム


|+人+|  Vertical line / JIN, NIN, hito - person

ト+一+|+八+土  Katakana "To" / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Vertical line / HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

|+J+人+|+リ  Vertical line / Alphabet "J" / JIN, NIN, hito - person / Katakana "Ri"

ト+⼚+七+H+月  Katakana "To" / The "Gandare" radical - cliff / Alphabet "H" / GETSU, tsuki, GATSU - moon, month

⻖+H+⼌+ム  The "Kozato" radical - hill, mound / Alphabet "H" / The "Keigamae" radical - to enclose / Katakana "Mu"

Add 工 (KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work) and check out the results!

本  HON, moto - root

基  KI, moto, motoi - basis, foundation

刺  SHI, sa(su), sa(saru) - stick, stab, get stuck

膚  FU - skin

隅  GUU, sumi - corner, nook