292. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 糸 米 貝 穴 工 毎 分 切 木 量


糸  SHI, ito - thread

米  BEI, MAI, kome - rice

貝  KAI - shellfish

穴  KETSU, ana - hole, cave

工  KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work

毎  MAI, goto - every

分  BUN, wa(keru), wa(karu) - divide, part, minute

切  SETSU, ki(ru), ki(reru) - cut

木  MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree

量  RYOU, haka(ru) - quantity, measure, weigh

Pair them like this: 米+量 穴+切 工+貝 糸+分 木+毎

糧  RYOU, ROU, kate  - food, provisions

窃  SETSU - steal

貢  KOU, KU mitsu(gu) - pay tribute, support financially

紛  FUN, magi(reru), magi(rawashii) - be mistaken for, confusing

梅  BAI,ume - plum