281. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 叔 舟 光 昌 金 口 廷 軍 監 シ


叔  SHUKU - younger sibling of a parent

舟  SHUU, fune, funa - boat

光  KOU, hika(ri) - shine, light

昌  SHOU, atsu, akira, utuku(shii) - bright, beautiful

金  KIN, kane - gold

口  KOU, kuchi - mouth

廷  TEI - imperial court, government office

軍  GUN - army

監  KAN - keep watch over

シ  Katakana "Shi"

Pair them like this: シ+叔 口+昌 舟+廷 光+軍 金+監

淑  SHUKU - graceful, polite, pure

唱  SHOU, tona(eru) - chant, cry, advocate, espouse

艇  TEI - small boat

輝  KI, kagaya(ku) - shine, gleam, sparkle, brilliant

鑑  KAN - model, pattern, example, mirror