253. How can we make these kanji come out of their shell? 口 シ+束+T 小+十+十+十 彦 ク


口  KOU, kuchi - mouth

シ+束+T  Katakan "Shi" / SOKU, taba - bundle, sheaf / Alphabet "T"

小+十+十+十  SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small / JUU, tou, to - ten

彦+T  GEN, hiko - male child, chieftan / Alphabet "T"

ク  Katakana "Ku"

Add 貝 (KAI - shellfish) to make them into a bunch of hard cases!

員  IN - member

瀬  se - shallows

憤  FUN, ikidoo(ru) - resent, be enraged, be indignant

顔  GAN, kao - face toward, turn

負  FU, ma(keru), o(u) - defeat, lose, bear a load