150. How can we make these kanji come out of their shell? イ+ハ+宀+口 イ+ヒ+T 中+一 加 G+刀


イ+ハ+宀+口  Katakana "I" / Katakana "Ha" / The "Ukanmuri" radical - roof, house / KOU, kuchi - mouth

イ+ヒ+T  Katakana "I" / Katakana "Hi" / Alphabet "T"

中+一  CHUU, naka  - middle,medium / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

加  KA, kuwa(eru), kuwa(waru) - add, append, join, take part

G+刀  Alphabet "G" / TOU, katana - sword

Add 貝 (KAI - shellfish) to make them into a bunch of hard cases!

償  SHOU, tsuguna(u) - be compensated for, atone

傾  KEI, katamu(ku), katamu(keru) - be inclined, incline, tilt

貴  KI, tatto(i), tatto(bu), touto(bu) - valuable, noble, preciuous

賀  GA - congratulations, felicitations

貿  BOU - exchange, trade