147. How should we get these five characters moving? 証 舟+壬 キ+壬 西 由


証  SHOU - proof

舟+壬  SHUU, fune, funa - boat / JIN, NIN. mizunoe - an astrological sign

キ+壬  Katakana "Ki" / JIN, NIN. mizunoe - an astrological sign

西  SAE, SEI, nishi - west

由  YUU, YU, YUI, yoshi - reason, cause

Add ⼵ (the "Ennyou" radical, which means movement) to get these characters to shift their shape!

誕  TAN - birth

艇  TEI - small boat

挺  CHOU - to go out, to advance

廼  NAI, DAI, sunawa(chi) - to straighten, to last, to endure

廸  TEKI, JAKU, ita(ru), fu(mu), susu(mu), michi(biku) - road, lead, advance, step