105. If you can find what these characters have in common, give yourself a big hand! 屈 居 業 末 出


屈  KUTSU - bend, yield

居  KYO, i(ru) - be, exist

業  GYOU, GOU, waza - industry, work, deed

末  MATSU, BATSU, sue - end

出  SHUTSU, de(ru) - exit, out

Lend each a hand (手 SHU, te) to make a new character.

掘  KUTSU, ho(ru) - dig

据  su(eru), su(waru) - set in place, sit, be set

撲  BOKU - hit, strike

抹  MATSU - erase, expunge

拙  SETSU - unskillful, clumsy