97. What can I say about these kanji to make you see them differently?  延 一+川+工+山 イ 売 周


延  EN, noba(su), no(biru), no(beru) - lengthen, prolong, postpone

一+川+工+山  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / SEN, kawa - river / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / SAN, yama, mountain

イ  Katakana "I" 

売  BAI, u(ru) - sell

周  SHUU, mawa(ri) - round. loop. lap

Add 言 (GEN, GON, i(u), koto - Say, speech) so that they can say something else!

誕  TAN - birth

謡  YOU, uta(u) - sing, song, Noh chant

信  SHIN - believe

読  DOKU, yo(mu) - read

調  CHOU, shira(beru), totono(eru) - investigate, prepare