85. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them?  奏 漆 北 挑 又


奏  SOU, kana(deru) - play (an instrument)

漆  SHITSU, urushi - lacquer

北  HOKU, kita - north

挑  CHOU, ido(mu) - challenge

又  mata - again, also, moreover

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

泰  TAI - calm, peace

淡  TAN, awa(i) - light, feint, pale, transitory

兆  CHOU, kiza(shi), kiza(su) - sign, indication, symptom, sprout

桃  TOU, momo, peach

文  BUN, MON, fumi  - text, literature