83. What's missing from these characters? The devil is in the details! 土 ニ+ム 未 西+一 麻


土  DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

ニ+ム  Katakana "Ni" / Katakana "Mu"

未  MI - not yet

西+一  SAE, SEI, nishi - west / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

麻  MA, asa - hemp, flax

Add 鬼(KI, oni - demon, devil, (dead) soul) to give them a little spirit!

塊  KAI, katamari - lump, clod, clump

魂  KON, tamashii - soul, spirit

魅  MI - charm, enchant, fascinate

醜  SHUU, miniku(i) - ugly

魔  MA - demon, devil, evil spirit